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Accessible legal tips, know-how and news for anyone with a complaint or legal issue from Stephen Gold, author of The Return of Breaking Law, the book

Thursday 3 February 2022


We have previously had a look at how to go about getting the court to make an agreed order for finances on divorce, civil partnership dissolution, nullity or separation without a court hearing. A draft of the proposed order  has to be accompanied by a statement of financial information. That statement is called a form D81. You know it makes sense.

The form is changing into a 23 page job which is designed to extract more detail so that the judge who considers it in the comfort  - sometimes discomfort -of his work room can decide whether it is fair to both sides. You won't get that agreed order simply because it is agreed. The judge must be satisfied that it is reasonable to make it. The more information the judge has, the less likely they will have to ask questions. Doing that can cause delay of some weeks.

The new form or the current form can be used as from now. But the new form must be used if the old form has not been signed up by both sides no later than Friday 18 February 2022. The moral. If you don't fancy the new form, pull your finger out with the current one. You will find the new form at - \https://assets.publishing.service.gov.uk/government/uploads/system/uploads/attachment_data/file/1051993/D81_0122_save.pdf