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Accessible legal tips, know-how and news for anyone with a complaint or legal issue from Stephen Gold, author of The Return of Breaking Law, the book

Wednesday 27 July 2016


The arbitration scheme for disputes over the welfare of children is run by the Institute of Family Law Arbitrators and - later today or perhaps tomorrow or probably before you buy the weekend shopping- you can gets loads of information about it at ifla.org.uk

Of the arbitrators currently dealing with financial cases, 20 will be covering children cases also. There will be a further 20 covering children cases exclusively and another 20 are awaiting accreditation for children cases only.

How much? Thought you would ask. No standard fee and the actual fee will vary from arbitrator to arbitrator although a fixed fee will be accepted by most. There is no sign that the fee will be cheaper for children cases than for financial cases and I give you a taster of what the fee in those cases is likely to be in my book Breaking Law.