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Accessible legal tips, know-how and news for anyone with a complaint or legal issue from Stephen Gold, author of The Return of Breaking Law, the book

Tuesday 26 July 2016


Here's another source of free legal advice and possible representation in court for family cases to be added to those you will find in my book Breaking Law. It's the Temple Legal Centre which is run out of the barristers' chambers at 10 King Bench Walk by London's Strand and was founded by experienced barrister Leanne Target-Parker. It is intended for anyone residing in Greater London who is involved in a family case whether relating to children or finance - other than child support disputes - who will not qualify for legal aid (and few do) and cannot afford to pay lawyer's fees. The centre is flexible when considering whether you  financially qualify for help. You will probably not qualify if your gross income is over a yearly £30,000 or you turn up in a Ferrari - with a driver.

Clinics are held every other Monday at 10 King Bench Walk between 6pm and 9pm. You get an initial half an hour of advice and, if necessary, a further session will be arranged. If representation in court is needed, the centre will do its best to find you an advocate. Should this turn out to be impossible then you will get full guidance about the hearing and help with the paperwork which you may need to come up with for the hearing.  

Baroness Butler-Sloss is the centre's legal patron and it's non-legal patron is actress and writer Gillian (The X-Files) Anderson. Registration as a charity has been applied for. The centre could do with a bob or two. If you have just been awarded a couple of million against your spouse on a financial remedies application, perhaps you would remember them before blowing it at the Chiltern Firehouse.

For contact, email enquiries@templelegalcentre.org , go to www.facebook.com/templelegalcentre or telephone 07887 776099.