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Accessible legal tips, know-how and news for anyone with a complaint or legal issue from Stephen Gold, author of The Return of Breaking Law, the book

Wednesday 19 October 2016


Anyone who wishes to apply to the family court for a financial remedy (against their spouse on divorce, for example) or for an order relating to the welfare of a child, is generally expected to first attend a mediation information and assessment meeting with a qualified mediator. This is affectionately known to lawyers, mediators and those working in the family court as a MIAM. I wonder why?!

I reported in my 3 October 2016 post (see Family Mediation Changes) on the changes which came in to operation on that date on the exemptions to having to attend a MIAM. There's a  further and brand new one which now also applies and here it is. You are excused attendance where you can claim you have been the victim of domestic violence by your opponent within the previous five years in the form of abuse which relates to financial matters or that you are at risk of being such a victim.